n indian village, a swiss commitment, great projects

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It is in the Tamil Nadu countryside in South India that the Cheyyambakkam Association has been focusing its heart, attention and efforts since 1991, supporting projects related to development and education

For all these years, the Committee has supported projects developed and implemented by local associations in cooperation with the inhabitants of the villages supported.

These projects include, among others:

  • School sponsorships for disadvantaged children
  • Training programmes to promote the professional integration of women and young people who have dropped out of school
  • Nurseries for pre-school children whose mothers are working
  • The purchase of equipment for centres welcoming disadvantaged or disabled people
  • Support for women's groups engaged in collective action
  • Projects to develop self-sufficiency (plantations, livestock...)
  • The installation of drinking water systems
  • The development or construction of premises, playgrounds, access roads...


Every year, Cheyyambakkam Association raises an amount of nearly 15,000 francs to support projects on a human scale that are mainly based on: community action, development and education.

With these few lines, we would like to convey to you our desire to support our action and to encourage you to get involved with us.

Join us in our commitment!

The Association Cheyyambakkam

The Committee members

Joyful insights from the field

Documents (in french only)